FROM 2014
Folks, I decided to do a little brain storming on the state of USA survival. We are in it now, but, I will say it again this idea of a global economy is a fool’s game in my opinion. It will never work unless one country had total domination, and that ain’t gonna happen.
These globalists have come up with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and a host of other job sellouts in my view.
These globalists have come up with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and a host of other job sellouts in my view.
Now it is water over the dam, saving the country is top priority now. I blame liberals for the dire condition the USA is in today, but, what good is that going to do, none.
Overall the “New deal” programs were intended to do good and help the people have a better life. However, human nature is what it is.
Overall the “New deal” programs were intended to do good and help the people have a better life. However, human nature is what it is.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. No one political party alone has brought the USA to the dire situation it is in today.
It is not about right or wrong or getting righteous people in place, it is about getting people elected that have the common sense to do what have been proven to work.
It is not about right or wrong or getting righteous people in place, it is about getting people elected that have the common sense to do what have been proven to work.
In other words it is the system in place that really matters. And that is the unforgivable sin I blame on the “New deal” programs they destroyed the system the founding fathers left in place.
Now, we have a corrupted and run-a-way system that allows lying, twisting of the law, and all kinds of anti-survival things to strive. Here are the two main things that brought about our run-a-way economy.
Now, we have a corrupted and run-a-way system that allows lying, twisting of the law, and all kinds of anti-survival things to strive. Here are the two main things that brought about our run-a-way economy.
Number one, the new deal programs seized the family provider role for itself and failed to carry out the discipline and responsibility of being a provider.
That act caused our culture to deteriorate with each succeeding generation, now in the home if it feels good do it. Plus, once government becomes a family provider, economically it starts feeding on itself and eating its seed corn.
That act caused our culture to deteriorate with each succeeding generation, now in the home if it feels good do it. Plus, once government becomes a family provider, economically it starts feeding on itself and eating its seed corn.
It takes around four generations to totally self destruct but by then the culture and all the inner fabric of the country is gone and there is nothing to rebuild on.
Right now, every thing else aside, the only way I see the USA having any chance of surviving is to repeal the minimum wage law, and that will only give us a fighting chance. The number two thing is what gives fuel to our run-a-way economy.
In 1938 the “New deal” programs enacted the evil socialist “Minimum wage law” that removed all free market place dampers and allowed government to then tax and spend to no end.
Right now, every thing else aside, the only way I see the USA having any chance of surviving is to repeal the minimum wage law, and that will only give us a fighting chance. The number two thing is what gives fuel to our run-a-way economy.
In 1938 the “New deal” programs enacted the evil socialist “Minimum wage law” that removed all free market place dampers and allowed government to then tax and spend to no end.
In other words with a minimum wage law in place there is no way to balance the cost of living to earnings. End result is fewer and fewer working to take care of more and more not working.
That process destroys the culture, the nuclear family, small farmers, and home gardeners, and then when it all collapses we have no foundation to rebuild upon.
That process destroys the culture, the nuclear family, small farmers, and home gardeners, and then when it all collapses we have no foundation to rebuild upon.
I will now touch on today’s political situation. Due to Obamacare it looks like the Republicans may take total control of congress in November 2014.
If the liberals hadn’t destroyed our true free market place system I believe the USA could have out lasted the Roman Empire but I’m afraid unless a miracle happens we are done.
If the liberals hadn’t destroyed our true free market place system I believe the USA could have out lasted the Roman Empire but I’m afraid unless a miracle happens we are done.
The Roman Empire lasted a thousand years. The Republicans think they can cut spending and save our out of control run-a-way economy, wrong.
I will say it again; the USA and Western Europe welfare states cannot be saved. Cutting spending piece meal here and there will only make the economy worse.
I will say it again; the USA and Western Europe welfare states cannot be saved. Cutting spending piece meal here and there will only make the economy worse.
It will also piss off half or more of the people. That will only guarantee the shallow minded liberals will be voted right back in control. Yet, cutting spending is the course the Republicans are locked on.
For the most part liberals mean well and want to care for everyone, it’s just that human being are not just cogs in some big machine.
For the most part liberals mean well and want to care for everyone, it’s just that human being are not just cogs in some big machine.
Humans being are motivated by reward and punishment and responds accordingly. But, most liberals are too shallow to understand that, still, I love them and they are good Americans.
If the government was kicked out of it social and family provider role that would solve our run-a-way out of control spending problem, but that ain’t gonna happen.
If the government was kicked out of it social and family provider role that would solve our run-a-way out of control spending problem, but that ain’t gonna happen.
So, here are the cold steel rock hard facts, if the USA is ever going to be saved only conservative have the will and sense to do it.
I think the anti-survival opposition has grown so powerful that the conservatives have time for just one shot at our survival target. And if the target is missed the anti-survival death grip will never be broken and that means sunset for the USA. The target I’m referring to is repealing the minimum wage law.
Conservatives need to tread water and hold off on any major spending cuts until after 2016. Then after 2016 repeal the minimum wage law once and for all.
I think the anti-survival opposition has grown so powerful that the conservatives have time for just one shot at our survival target. And if the target is missed the anti-survival death grip will never be broken and that means sunset for the USA. The target I’m referring to is repealing the minimum wage law.
Conservatives need to tread water and hold off on any major spending cuts until after 2016. Then after 2016 repeal the minimum wage law once and for all.
Repealing the minimum wage law won’t be any peace meal deal, it will deal with the entire USA economy nation wide in one sweep.
That will allow the poor and middle class to pay out of pocket for their own food and medical bills. And it will mean jobs, jobs galore for all nationwide.
That will allow the poor and middle class to pay out of pocket for their own food and medical bills. And it will mean jobs, jobs galore for all nationwide.
Sure, one won’t make as much money but the lower cost of living won’t require one to need as much money.
However, I believe this but the problem is very few conservatives agree with me on anything. Like it or not there is no other way for the USA to survive.
As for the very, very poor and needy the government will need to establish government run commissaries, housing, and clinics for them. And use tokens or scrip for all who qualify.
God, I ask in your name save my homeland, the USA. More... >
However, I believe this but the problem is very few conservatives agree with me on anything. Like it or not there is no other way for the USA to survive.
As for the very, very poor and needy the government will need to establish government run commissaries, housing, and clinics for them. And use tokens or scrip for all who qualify.
God, I ask in your name save my homeland, the USA. More... >
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